Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Alert for All People Who Like, Love or Are Forced to Read! (read what is below)

Hey Viewer! please read what's below, and comment! Every writer needs people's opinions to further his of her work! :)

-love all rocks, their just pets yet to be named!

Untitled Story That Popped Into My Head....

“Just another face about to board the Solarway. A well dressed and attractive face, but just another face. So why should the Agency hold any interest in this face, this random person?” Professor H.O.N.A. asked with a comforting smile.He revealed several blown up images taken from one of the many security Hovercams floating around. “Come on, people, don’t be shy. Anyone in the class got a clue?” A few timid hands raised themselves up out of the crowd. “You, 3rd row, the girl in what appears to be a caramel sweater.” Said Professor H.O.N.A. The smile, even thought uit seemed imposible, got even wider, warmer and more conforting. “Um, because the individual had blood that wasn't the same as a human's. The blood was only in the stomache area, and the blood was also combined with v-vampire v-venom, and was therefore tagged as a Threat to the safety of the humans around it, um, him.” she finish rather lamely. “Yes. Just incase anyone doesn’t know, the City is equipped with cameras that scan any individuals passing by to check body temperature, heart rate and blood type. If your not human, you can’t have all the normal requirements, and therefore you can’t go unnoticed by the cams. I’m sure you know all about the Before Time, when no human knew of the existence of these heathens. When our entire race was manipulated and controlled by them. That’s why we go to so much trouble to find these demons. So that no Threat may enter the City, that no human inhabitant may be placed in danger. You are safe and well under protection within these walls. The inhuman being you saw today is currently under Hunt by the Agency and will be apprehended soon. Thank you for viewing this very important informant. School is over. You may return home now.”
Zimmmmph. The hologram shut down and Professor H.O.N.A., or Holographic Organizations and News Announcements disappeared. Soft blue lights that had previously lended their cool glow to the Announcement Hall dimmed and the crowed of bored teenagers filed out of the now dark room, out of the school and across the park, toward the closest Solarway station.
“Wow, what a shmancy three hour long, totally suicidally boring announcement, made just to explain one mass email and a few seconds of video clips… why’d they even bother?” Said Millie. “Well, that mass email was sent to millions of happy little Citizens, and that bunch of clips tagged to it were full of some monster just waltzing through our ridiculously proud City, without a single problem. The officials are probably afraid that everyone’s going to get all worked up over those pics. I mean, if just one person feared for their life, our whole system could come crumbling down. All it takes is one person to start a movement. You know what, though? I bet they weren’t even real. Y'all know how the government doesn't like the Agency, because it takes away a lot of their power. I'm sure the government just made this up to slander the Agency's name, saying that the failed, and had let a Vampire into the city." Said Emily.
“Hey, and what’s with the hologram anyway? Is it suppose to be comforting when a bunch of sound and color tells us we’re O.K.? That everything is all right, we’ll be fine and safe in the precious City. This whole H.O.N.A. thing is ridiculous. He was sure trying hard not to say what it was. Maybe even computer programs fear Vampires…
You know that last paper we had to write on safety tips? Well, that lame hologram-program thing stuck a big fat F on it. Why is a computer program grading papers anyway? You have to have a soul to understand my written genus!I want a real person teaching me in school! What's the difference between a cold, matallic hologram and a cold monsterous alien?!!!!” Millie said, talking faster and faster as her annoyance on the subject burned birghter and brighter. Millie never was good with the whole authority concept. A bit of light and sound telling her her paper was a bunch of flunk-junk didn’t make her smile to much. “I’m sorry, but your ‘written genus’ paper is crap. That’s why the program gave you an F, not because it has it in for you.” said Emily, receiving a future-bruise-punch-in-the-arm from Millie.
Looking of to the left where some of the more popular students were standing, Jessica said, “I like to think of him as Professor H.O.N.A.: Horribly Overdone and Never Awesome. Although, the computer geeks would probably disagree. He looks so real…. You know, if we let it slip, if we let a few gossips over hear us talking ’bout how we’re part of an Agency Squad, people would respect us more. We could rule the school. We are, like, awesome. When our training’s complete, I bet we’ll be the best Hunters in the whole Agency!!” “Shut-up stupid!” Emily. “We’ll never get to brag if we never officially get in. Screaming ‘We’re in the Agency, a top secrete, not-for-the-public-to-know-everything-about operation’ is so not the way to get accepted into said top secrete, not-for-the-public-to-know-everything-about operation. It’s the way to get kicked from said top secrete, not-for-the-public-to-know-everything-about operation. Why is it that almost every conversation we have turns into the novel:“How To Become Popular” by Jessica M. Stella? Ugh.” “But,” Jessica protested, “We could become so popular! Popularity is practically impossible to gain, and once you have it, you can’t loose it! Popularity can be for ever! No one ever says you're not cool once you're cool!” “Yeah! It’s just like gum on your shoe! Sticky until the end! I can see soooo many problems with your little assumtions. Remind me to never let anyony think that your are in any way possible of philosophical thought.” Millie declared, again talking faster and faster. “Oh, you guys, come off it.” Emily said, trying to keep the peace. “We need to get home any way. Our Instructor said he had a surprise in store for us!”
“Ugh. I hope it’s not like last time when the big surprise was an essay on different fighting techniques! I’d rather fight than write! I mean, that’s what we signed up for, right?” Said Millie. Emily shot her a look. “ What a pretty poem.Try to have a more upbeat attitude. Um, and we didn’t actually sign up for this. We were selected for our unique qualities which the Agency found desirable. We had, like, no say in the matter.” “What ever! Lets just see what signor Instructor has in store for us poor little girls, huh? And by the way, we do have a say in the matter. If our little exercises are to hard for you wimps, than you could just leave.” Millie stated. The entrance to the Solarway loomed up before them, and a Trackship slid into the station.


“Ha, ha. Their so cute.” Alex muttered from atop a building conveniently placed between the Solarway and District 1’s school. He was well hidden, cloaked in energy and not even the most sophisticated piece of technology could sense him. He’d made sure of that after yesterday’s slip up.
Alex had diligently watched three rather plain looking girls march across a small park, heads bent low, having a quiet discussion with one another. He’d heard the whole thing. He also knew their little surprise would involve them hunting him. Alex had stumbled across this most unpleasant information when he was looking through some Agency files. Adult Hunters, he could deal with. But little girls? They were what, 18? Still in school and the Agency some how thought that these half trained children could kill him? An elephant would sooner fly. Naturally. With wings and things, because, technically, elephants had flow in Skyships before….
Still, it was unpleasant to think that he was being used as some sort of initiation hunt. He wasn’t hurting anyone. “I’d rather take a knife in the heart than hurt an innocent person.” He thought to himself. “God, if only I’d paid more attention to what things that stupid Hovercam was sensing! I mean, blood type! I guess even vampires who feed on animals aren’t under the radar any more. Thank God that they can‘t sense vampirac energy with in a person. Hahaha. Thank God-haha-vampirac energy-haha. Man, I really need to find another person to thank in these rather dark situations. God had very little to do with who I am…”
Alex stood up and leaped off the roof and into the air, doing mid-air rollovers a few times, before landing not a three feet behind the girls. All unseen of course. Now that he had worked out the kinks, found out just how those pesky cams worked, nethier human nor machine could see or hear Alex, as long he wanted it that way. A bitter smile slide acrost Alex’s face. “I’t to bad I might just have to kill you today, girls.” He whispered. “ Especially when this isn’t your falt. You didn’t start this war. You were just drafted into it.” Alex almost turned off his energy shield then. He wanted them to here him.
He would have gladly gotten caught, if it would save people, but there would always be others. Other vampires, who didn’t see the world the way he did. They saw humans as merely prey. Alex saw humankind as a doorway, a gateway that almost got you back to the life you had before becoming a vampire. If you were a good enough pretender, if you knew how to fool them, you could live amoung them. Almost be one of them. But there were allways variables. Stupid vampires who thought it would be great to show the world what they were. If Alex had been the vampire to do that, he probably would have gone about it in another way. Like not assassinating several powerful leaders of several powerful countries. On national television. Yeah, it was safe to say Alex would have gone a more friendly rout. If Alex had been the vampire who revealed it all. Who ruined it all.


Emily was the first to enter the Solarway. The Solarway was designed for optimal appearance, and was decked out floor to curved roof in only the hightech-iest of all the tech this world had to offer. Well, what was public technology, anyways. Agency technology was kind of secret. Or, well, really secret. Whatever.
The white plastic-covered walls were smooth as an eggshell, and lit from behind with bright blue lights. It looked like you were inside of a giant frosted glass tube. Except the floor, which changed daily. And the mini solar system hologram that filled the highest portion of the arched ceilings. Today, the floor under Emily was a dark, reflective black, and the miniature solar system above her head light up the floor with a reflected image. Like a celestial dance, the blurred stars and planets on the floor fallowed the movements of the projected holograms above. It was quite peaceful, for a moment.
Then a rush of students eager to get home entered. Millie stalked in through the doorway, after being separated from Emily by the crowed outside. She whacked her way toward Emily after catching sight of her, using her bony elbows against any who dare get in her way. Jessica walked in not a moment after Millie, and was following her path of destruction, bruises, and angry 'HEY!'s. Emily winced sympathetically as a random business man got whacked in the ribs.
"Ouch," Millie exclaimed, glaring up at the business guy, as if it was his fault she hurt herself while elbowing people left and right. Apparently he had abs of steel. He glanced down at her and smiled, reveling perfect, beautiful, teeth. Emily looked at his face, truly seeing him for the first time. He was younger than she first thought, maybe twenty, and gasp-worthily handsome. She felt it, tried to stop it, but couldn't prevent a goofy smile grace her face as he turned and smiled apologetically at her. Emily didn't know why he would have any reason to single her out, nor any reason for him to be apologetic. Millie crossed the few people-filled meters in between herself and Emily, giving a few more good elbow whacks to a few more unlucky people.

I can Feel it

Evil undone, lies displayed,
Life redone, truth unfazed,
A change is coming,
I can feel it,
Rising, awakening,
I can feel it

Two Worlds

When two worlds collide,
Which one will survive,
Which one will divide,
Which one is the most alive
Which one’s end will arrive
When two worlds collide


Totally Depleted,
Every day,
Tried it,
But never succeeded,
Cannot say it,
Hard to make it,
Cannot think it,
Will not fake it,
Cannot take it.
Over rated.
Feels sedated.
Completely wasted

You Let Go

When everywhere you turn you see,
Rotten life,
Pain and misery,
You let go,
When no matter what you do here and now,
When it all comes down to it,
It doesn’t really matter how,
You let go


Who am I,
To be a part of life,
Who am I,
To feel the end of a knife,
Who am I,
To live and survive,
Who am I,
To breath air and be alive,
Who am I,
To belong,
Who am I,
All along,
Who am I,
To sing,
A song,

To know who I am.

I Might Make It

If I can just,
Run a little harder,
Get a little smarter,
Push myself a little farther

Light of Eternity

The thing that keeps us above the rest,
Is truly our final test,
Speak true, speak right,
Eternal flame shines forever bright


When darkness falls
Be killed by you prey
Afraid because the night is dark

When darkness falls
Take what is yours
Know you are strong


When you look upon the evils of humanity,
And realize you live a lie, a fantasy,
Do you change what is wrong,
Switch the weak and the strong,
Or try to destroy it all together,
Struggling for ever and ever,
Maybe you will just do nothing,
Hoping someone else will do the changing.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I love music!

And to think, not three years ago I was practically immune to the fabulous sounds around me. The Killers, Muse, Fergie, Linkin Park, Kill Hannah(I don't mean to say, GO FORTH, KILL THE HANNAH PEOPLE! It's just the band name:), just to name a few. Go look at the music below, please. I think that I have a pretty even spread of good music (no offense, but I don't have much Gangsta music, because it just sounds trashy sometimes. Although, who can resist Ayer!? That is gangsta music, right. I wouldn't really know, not being a gangster and all that... I also don't have much country, simply because it doesn't appeal to me, but some songs, like Our Song, are just to cute!).