Saturday, August 23, 2008

Going for the Gold: How it All Panned Out

.....................Gold .... Silver .... Bronze ...... Total
1.United States....34.........37..........36...........107
3.Russian Fed......21.........21..........27...........69

Yes! We got the most. Boo we din't get the most gold.


Two words: LOVE IT. All though, I pretty much hate Bella for even considering Jacob. Edward is so perfect. I just can't describe it right. And the last book! Further proof that Edward and Bella were meant 2b! It's undeniable! To all those Team Jacob people- Hee Hee! Now what do you think of Jacob and Bella Falling in love? Bella is the frigging mother of Jacob's Imprint!


You know what really annoys me? The whole Hannah Montana/High School Musical takeover. LAME! I mean, sure, the the stuff is cute, and the songs aren't horrid, but that isn't an O.K. for sticking the stuff EVERYWHERE. I just went to Kohl's, an I saw a bunch of Hannah Montana and H.S.M. picture frames. Picture frames! What, so your kid can be surrounded by other people's faces? Isn't the whole point of a picture to have the focus on the person in the picture? Not random people they probably won't meet? So why have them on the frame? Go figure. Marketing, and all that.

-Glasses of the Sun Kind

Okay, so I saw someone with these really cool sun glasses. The top half of the glasses were black, and you couldn't see the person wearing them's eyes. The bottom half was clear. It's hard to uderstand just how cool it really is unless you see it, but it looked cool.

Friday, August 22, 2008

-Well, your suposed to write about stupid stuff sometimes

I find it kind of funny that my first blog got a comment, and the little thing that tells you how many comments I have says 1 coments. Yay know, with an S on the end of the word comment. Signifying the plural. Yes, I'm bored.
And I know that when more people comment, the plural with be fine. But right now it's not correct grammer, so I am perfectly in the clear when I talk about it right now.

wOW. what a wasted minute of my life.

-Very Kick Nail Polish

So. This is my first official, not welcome-y post.

Okay, so you know how a lot of "young people" think it's cool to have their nails painted black, and it's a trend now? ( I'm sure your all nodding with enthusiasm) Well, I just found some nail polish that is even cooler! In the shade, it looks black. But in the sun, it is a dark type of maroon. Well, no. It's also got some purple in it. But any way. There are also very small sparkles in it. Not that stupid glitter junk some people put on their nails. Just tiny sparkles that aren't to flashy, just cool.

p.s. the brand is O.P.I.